Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Love, a bond unique

                                    Love, a bond unique

Love is a divine blessing. It only makes the world go round. It makes the life rich and blissful. World of birds and animals also depicts beautiful sights of love. In spite of a ruthless competition for space and food in the struggle for survival, there are many surprising forms of co-operation, beautiful alliance and bond seen among the birds and animals.
Crown Butterfly fish often swim in pairs, feeding on coral polyps, tube worms and small invertebrates. Once they have formed this lasting bond, they rarely stray far apart. They have sharp eyesight and appear to keep close track of each other while feeding. Should they become separated one will often swim to the top of the nearest coral head and hover conspicuously there . Its mate soon appears, fishing its patterned side as a token of recognition.
Similarly Charvaka birds known as Ruddy goose are cited as a standard for ideal conjugal love in poetry. These birds fly in pair during the day time and the female bird cries piteously throughout night at not finding her companion who is separated from her by a lotus stalk in between them. Credit is given to the Sun for their union in the morning when during the sunlight they locate each other and rejoin.
Motherly love is superb in this kingdom. The mother cat holds its baby in her mouth and carries it , till the baby becomes capable of moving from one place to another on its own. The female tiger carries her cub between her teeth carefully and gently without allowing it to fall or get hurt by her teeth. She runs fast also to protect her baby from any danger. When the mother monkey is jumping from one tree to another, it is the baby that clings to its mother tightly so that the mother could do jumping without any problem.
One step further. Regarding fish there is a poetic tradition according to which the mother fish keeps on looking at the egg and the young one comes out of the egg. Then by its constant look only it is able to satisfy the hunger of the young one. It is the belief that the mother fish takes care of the young one and nurtures it by its sight only.
What a marvel !.

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