Saturday, February 23, 2013

Inspiration Bytes: Each has some talent

Each has some talent

A little effort and proper guidance can draw one away from the frustration of one’s inabilities or oddities. We all have some talent in one thing or other . Finding it and developing it will definitely help to build a positive image of your self .

Charles Steinmetz was born with a crooked leg and arched back bone that gave him a hump. During his childhood , children shunned him because of his clumsy body and inability to participate successfully in many activities. Using the greatest asset blessed upon him , Charles ignored his physical disabilities about which he realised he could do nothing and worked to excel his mind. At the age of five he could conjugate Latin verbs . At seven he learnt Greek and a little Hebrew .At eight he had a good understanding of algebra and geometry . When he went to college , he excelled at studies . He graduated with honours . He had saved money so that he could rent a dress suit for the convocation. But the college authorities posted a notice on the bulletin board excusing Charles from the ceremony .

Later he went to America. Several companies denied him a job because of his awkward appearance. Eventually , General Electric employed him as a draughtsman for twelve dollars a week. There in addition to his regular duties , he spent long hours in electrical research . After sometime the Chairman of the board of General Electric Company recognised his rare genius , He said, “ Here is our entire plant . Do anything you want with it . Dream all the day, if you wish .We will pay you for your dreaming .”

Charles worked long hours .During his life time he patented more than two hundred electrical inventions and wrote many books and papers on problems of electrical theory and engineering .
Developing one’s mind overshadows one’s physical frailities . The lustre of knowledge leaves a dazzling impression up on those who come to hear such person .

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