Saturday, February 23, 2013

Inspiration Bytes: Be happy with what you have

Be happy with what you have

A tortoise was always sad. She felt she was not good looking. She was ashamed of her slow pace and small size.

She hated her shell because she thought that it made her ugly. So she told her only friend a frog ,” I’m useless. I’m fat and ugly. All the animals make fun of me and my shell. They laugh when they see me walking.”

The frog replied” Everyone has something good and nice about them. No one is useless, don’t be upset because of others. No one is perfect in this world. You should be proud of what you are. You should never look down upon yourself.”

Suddenly, they heard a horse galloping towards them. The frog jumped into the pond to save himself, but tortoise could not escape and the horse ran over the tortoise. The frog thought that the tortoise got hurt. It came out of the water and towards the tortoise, which had disappeared into her shell.

Just then, the tortoise came out of the shell. Nothing had happened to her. “ So, how lucky you are that you have a shell. If the horse had stepped on me I would have got hurt. But it stepped on you and nothing happened to you because of your strong shell. Be proud of your shell which is so strong that it could save you from the horse”, said the frog.

“Very true, my friend, I will never be ashamed of my shell .I will never hate myself and my shell. It has saved my life and I will always remain happy with whatever I have “ , replied the tortoise .

The frog looked at his dear friend and smiled .

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