Sunday, August 4, 2013

The power of prayer in practical life

                              The power of prayer in practical life

It is a well recognized and an experienced fact that prayer brings inner tranquility. Prayer often clarifies our vision of what needs to be done.
Abraham Lincoln had a rich prayer life.
One day, a stranger came by with a barrel full of odds and ends and old news papers and he offered to sell the lot to Lincoln for a dollar. Realizing the man was needy, Lincoln with his characteristic kindness, gave him a dollar, although he had no idea how the barrel's contents would be of any use to him. When he later cleared out the barrel, he found among the junk an almost complete edition of Blackstone's commentaries. These books helped Lincoln become a lawyer and eventually enter politics. The reverence and kindness Lincoln felt for others, which are often the fruits of prayer, created an opening for a life- changing event that otherwise might not have happened. It is not that during prayer he got a sudden revelation of his life's work. Humble ingredients- a barrel of junk, a stranger down on his luck, a dollar and Lincoln's innate compassion combined unspectacularly to help shape the destiny of man and the nation.

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