Sunday, March 17, 2019

Real strength comes from love and co-operation

                               Real strength comes from love and co-operation

    There was a saintly man. He looked fragile but would roll down the big boulders on the path into the valley down without any effort. A man was curiously observing this for a long time. One day, he went to the saintly man and asked him the secret behind his strength. The saintly man smilingly said, “ My dear son ! I don’t know. I don’t make any effort. I just address the big boulders that have fallen down on the walking path from the nearby mountain, with love and kindness, asking them for permission to co-operate with me in rolling down them from the path as they abstruct the people from walking on the path and not for any other personal motive. “  Then without much effort, I roll them down far away from the path.
This demonstrates that the real strength comes from kindness and co-operation. Real strength does not come from mere physical control or out of ego that others should obey us. This is an important principle in management techniques. A team’s strength and success depends on these qualities only.

Great things are achieved by team work in any organization. Team work is the art of giving people a common platform for spreading ideas that work towards a project undertaken by a group of people.
All should love the common work they are sharing to achieve a common goal. All the members may not be of equal calibre. They may be from diverse background. With mutual understanding, trust, respect ,and concentration on single mission, all boundaries will disappear. Infact, the diversity should impart a richness to the work. The focus should be on the action rather than one’s ego. One should not cut others and ride over. All have to be avid learners. If we enjoy doing together, everything can be achieved. Achievement of excellence in the form of unique and real contribution should be the purpose, keeping in mind the reputation of the organization and benefits to the society at large.

When the goal is set, the will and love to work,ability to communicate and resolve conflicts before they get out of control,importance of timing, taking advantage of opportunities and available resources , a unique joy of togetherness, a sense of belongingness ,self-motivation ,  commitment ,integrity,loyalty to the organization will naturally be there, like the ant who is a self-starter and needs no manager to keep it on task.

In a team, a leader and members have equal role. With varied knowledge and experience, the members can offer information and novel insights into a project which a single person alone may not possess.
The leader should not be interested in the privileges of power rather than its responsibilities.
Leadership is not about one’s power, it’s all about one’s ability to empower, encourage and elevate others.
The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not ,rude or cruel,be kind, but not weak, be bold, but not bully, be thoughtful, but not lazy, be humble, but not timid, be proud, but not arrogant, have humour , but without folly and without being silly.
Such a team becomes strong, successful and is an asset to any organization.


Vandana said...

Well said Amma! Uplifting even to read. Last paragraph is superb.

Jaya said...

A much-needed read in today's times. Nicely written, Amma.