Friday, March 22, 2019

Cup of life

                                                  Cup of life

       A group of students, then well-placed in senior positions in various organizations, went to meet their professor. The professor was very happy to see them. The students poured out their problems, anxiety and stress they were facing, inspite of holding a high position and having monetary comforts. They pointed out that they could not find any joy amidst these.

The professor simply smiled, and prepared fresh coffee and poured it into different types of cups- some were of decorated porcelain ones, some plain, some made of glass, some plastic and some paper cups, and placing before the students , asked them to taste the coffee. Almost all of them took the beautiful looking, decorated, heavy porcelain cups containing hot aromatic coffee.

The professor said, “ I noticed you all preferred to take decorated heavy porcelain cups. Remember, cups are just medium to hold the essence i.e. is coffee and not the essence itself. The aroma and taste of the coffee does not vary according to the container. It is the same. Only the containers are perishable. Likewise, post, position, power, money are like soap bubbles in the air and at any time can disappear and be lost. But your innermost being, your eternal treasure which holds the values of joy and serenity and guide you with the same is eternal and is always with you. So realize this, worries and anxiety will never touch you. External riches in the form of money, position, house, cars and electronic devices are essential for a comfortable life. But they are not the only goal of life. But ,with the acquisition of these physical comforts, worries and anxiety are natural to mind like waves in the ocean. Waves are seen on the surface of the ocean only. Whereas the ocean in its depth remains calm and unperturbed by the external waves. But there are many ways to calm a negative energy without suppressing or fighting it. Try to recognize it, smile at it, and replace it with good thoughts and wisdom.

Now this is the right time to test your real knowledge you have acquired and prove your worth.
One should not lose the internal treasure by being caught in the external pleasures. Even the honey bee knows how not to get caught in the sticky honey it makes. The man of understaning, finds lasting pleasure in the positive achievement, and the acquisition and exercise of wisdom. Righteousness and enduring riches of internal life should be the driving force of your life. Committing your life to nurturing highest values of life like simplicity,serenity, love, kindness, and discovering a purpose to serve humanity, radiating the same, you will find the true riches. Wish you all the Best! .”


Jaya said...

Apt advice for today's world. Nice read Amma.

Jaya said...

Loved the analogy of honey bees and the honey they make. :)

Vandana said...

Essence of life in a nutshell. Last paragraph packs it all in one punch!