Saturday, April 12, 2014

Points to ponder

                                         Points to ponder

No beautician ever tells you that your real beauty comes from your good thoughts within.

According to the view of a great western philosopher of nineteenth century - Because errors imbibed early are mostly ineradicable and because the reasoning faculty is the last to mature, children should not , until they are sixteen be exposed to any subject in which major errors are possible, that is to say philosophy, religion and general views of all kinds. They should be introduced only to those in which error is either impossible, as in mathematics, language, natural science, history etc, in general however only to such studies as are accessible to their age and completely comprehensible.Childhood and youth is the time for assembling data and for becoming specifically and thoroughly acquainted with individual things. Reasoning and judgement in general must remain in suspense and ultimate explanations be deferred. Since the reasoning faculty presupposes maturity and experience, it should be let alone for the time being. The impression of prejudices upon it before it is mature will damage it for ever.

No rose without a thorn, but many a thorn without rose.

You can't write, read or live fully in the present without knowing the literature of the past.

There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots, the other wings.

Peace of mind comes only when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.

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