Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do you Know?

     Rings-  The strength of the circle as an enclosing shape accounts for the protective significance of rings, which are still sometimes credited with semi-magical powers.The supposed force-field created by a ring was considered more powerful if it contained a precious stone, as gem-stones were once thought to be of super natural origin.
The symbolism of the rings given in engagement and marriage is not only union in love but also publicly avowed commitment. Diamond is the most popular of engagement stones for its durability made it a natural choice as a symbol of sincerity ,constancy and lasting love.The custom of wearing a wedding ring on the fourth finger originated in the 16th century when physicians claimed that a vein on this finger ran directly to the heart.
     Crescent - The moon goddesses Hecate was credited with protecting Byzantium in 341 BCE when a crescent moon suddenly broke through clouds above the city as hostile Macedonian forces were approaching it under the cover of darkness.Defenders manned the walls and the attack was repelled. To commemorate Hecate, a crescent and star image was stamped on the city's coinage. This decorative design continued to be popular and was adopted centuries later by the Turks and by many Islamic nations, with protective and other symbolic meanings.
     Bell - the bell is linked in many religions with exorcism or banishing of evil.Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians have all taken the sound of a bell symbolically as a divine protective voice.
    Wishing well- Wishing well into which coins are thrown for wish-fulfillment can be traced back to Celtic rituals in which gifts were cast into water to invoke the help of water deities.

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