Saturday, September 21, 2019

Don’t judge a book by its cover

                               Don’t judge a book by its cover

    Knowledge is of two types. Theoretical knowledge acquired from the books. When it is combined with skill, it becomes practical knowledge, useful to the society contributing to its development.
In this rich ,and varied  creation, everyone is born with some talent to contribute to the society.
Since the seats in the colleges and universities are restriccted, and specialized , all school students cannot get entry into them, the marks secured in the board final examination is kept as the deciding factor or a gate-pass for entry to that.
Theoretical knowledge in the school also involves learning, reading, understanding, memorizing, and retention of the subject matter learnt in various subjects. Examinations test the entire knowledge grasped by the students in a stipulated short time. All students try their level best to prepare for the examination. Sometimes students fail to secure the desired marks out of the fear for the examination, sudden nervousness, forgetfulness, lack of concentration in reading the questions because of hurry, and improper allotment of time in answering questions. There could be so many factors. So to judge a child by his low score in a single examination, and torturing him throughout his life, thus inhibiting the blossoming of any hidden talent is a crime on the part of the parents, and society.

There was a beautiful, touching letter sent by a school management and teachers to the parents of the students of their school before the examination.
Dear parents,

Examinations are approaching. Please guide your children properly, give them proper food and enough rest. But please remember these points :
Among those students who do not succeed or get the required marks in the examination,

  • One artist will be there, he does not need Mathematics.
  • There may be a business man, he does not need History or Literature.
  • There may be a musician, Chemistry is of no use to him.
  • A sportsman may be there, care for physical and mental health is important. He does not need Physics.
Please don’t judge ,

Students getting the highest marks as the best and students getting low marks as bad.
Don’t shatter their self-confidence,and their worth.
Tell them ,it is only school examination. In life- examination, a lot of questions are there to be solved.
Our love is not based your marks. You are always my dear child, my life !
You will see the fruit , and realize the magical effect of your loving, and soothing words !
The child of yours who could not succeed in the examination, will conquer the world one day!
It is a mere school examination, its result should not wipe out the dreams , and talents of your precious child.
Please don’t think that only Doctors, and Engineers alone are the best ,and the happiest in the world.
Every child is born here to contribute something to the society , so unique , and indispensable !

With best wishes to you and our dear students.
What a practical approach !

 Nature is a great teacher. Each flower has its own color and fragrance. Every fruit has its own taste and richness. Each vegetable has its own shape and unique nutrients contributing to the wholesome health of the taker.  No one is greater than the other.Thus, there is richness of diversity in unity. This is the nature of the entire creation itself.
The major value in life is not what you get, but is what you become.
In The inspiring words of Bill Gates who said thus,
‘ I am not topper in my university but all toppers are working in my Microsoft company.’

Doing what you love is freedom and loving what you do is happiness.
Expectations make people miserable. Research studies show that people are happier if they are grateful for the positive things in their lives, rather than worrying about what might be missing.
The value is always an inherent quality. It is aptly said, one should not judge a book by its cover, however attractive it might be, one should not also carried away by the external appearance. It is only the contents , that impart and enhance the value of the book, making its universal apppeal  beyond the boundaries of time, place, and age.



Jaya said...

Beautiful article, Amma! Loved the sentence "Doing what you love is freedom and loving what you do is happiness."

Apt for everything in this age.

Vandana said...

Very well said and great perspective in this competitive world!