Monday, May 27, 2019

Don’t be a Chicken when you could be a Lark

                                 Don’t be a Chicken when you could be a Lark

There is a popular saying in Sanskrit,
“ Knowledge found in the books and one’s money locked in the hands of others is of no value and use until and unless one owns them and has it in his own possession.”

          The only security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. The beautiful thing is that no one can take it away from you. Human life is a splendid opportunity to acquire this treasure for enjoying the eternal joy , and radiating the same to others. Life without knowledge, learning , and endeavor is like entering a jewel mine and coming out with empty hands.

We acquire knowledge in two ways-   by active learning  from outside sources and from the heart by quiet introspection. Both are needed. Infact, learning, reading without thinking or reflection cannot lead to proper and clear understanding but is a burden, boring and cannot give inner joy.

In good olden days , when there were no written books, listening to the teacher was the first step. Then comes reflection, reflecting on it led to understanding and pondering over it again and again, the knowledge got assimilated. These steps are well-known as Shravana, Manana, and Nididhyasana especially emphasized in realizing the philosophical truths.

Love of reading and learning should be inculcated in children from their early age. Schools and homes should focus on creativity which comes as a result of love of learning. Learning is more than absobing facts. It is acquiring understanding. Thus teaching is more than imparting, it is inspiring change. In the words of Socrates :” I cannot teach students, I can only make them think.”
When you make Reading of books your company you will never feel lonely. But reading without reflection is like eating without digestion.
Reading is an important aspect of learning. If you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything. Writing adds to more understanding.. Writing is a creative process of distilling your thoughts in the still of your mind and collecting their essence of whatever you have understood. To quote Sir Francis Bacon , “ Reading maketh a full man;conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. “

Any work is creative work if done by a thinking mind. For learning, the learner should stay motivated. This motivation is there when he feels that he is accomplishing something great in life.
 When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms, thinking emanates. When proper thinking emantes, knowledge is fully lit, inventions take place, economy flourishes. The German writer Goethe said,
“ We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

Learning or knowledge should be undertaken as a pleasurable task because learning or knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. Learning should be the training of the mind to think of something that has to go beyond the learning of textbooks. Imagination is the highest form of research. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind only. The infinite library of the universe is our human mind. It is marvelous and unique. Exploration is really the essence of human spirit.
Steve Jobs said, “ I would trade all my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.”

Anyone who stops learning is old whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning always stays young. This is true.
When one develops a passion or insatiable thirst for learning, he will enjoy the process of learning also. The end positive results will come naturally and easily and one will feel more motivated to do more and more. The beauty is the brain ‘s ability to absorb increases as one lears more and more.
Learning becomes fun and the time you spend working seems to fly away. Learning expands the mind into a reservoir of inexhaustible joy within.
Albert Einstein, once sent a message to motivate the students of a college in Brazil at the request of the college authorities. The message was:
“ He who knows the joy of understanding has gained an infallible friend for life. Thinking is to man what flying is to birds.
Don’t follow the example of the chicken when you could be a lark.”
 Many students learn by rote and pass the examns but they may not have understood the subjectat all. The chicken makes cackling sounds only, not sonorous. To understand something one should start thinking and keep on thinking until it is understood. Teachers should help students to think and understand the subject. When one understands the subject, he or she feels happy and carefree like a lark otherwise the lessons become a big bore. Great discoveries are made through thinking and understanding. The bird lark is the symbol of the joyous spirit of the divine. It soars high into the sky singing happily.
The joy from knowledge acquired for the sake of knowledge is immeasurable. A lone flower still blossoms for its own purpose not looking around for admirers.
Inside every human being there are innumerable treasures to unlock. When a person finds the key of learning and thinking to it , he finds joy, joy and joy only.

1 comment:

Vandana said...

Amma, you are yourself the shining epitome of this inspiring message. Nicely illustrated.