Friday, October 5, 2018

You are unique ! You are you only !

                                 You are unique ! You are you only !

       It is a human tendency to underrate oneself, comparing himself with others.

    Once a man was feeling himself inferior to others and wanted to know his worth. He went to a saint and presented his problem. The saint smiled and placing a beautiful red gem in his hands, asked him to go to different people and ascertain its value from them, without selling the gem. First the man  went to a big fruit seller of the market who looking at the gem, was ready to him one dozen of apples as its value. Then he went to a  potato merchant who was prepared to give him a big bag of potatoes in exchange for it. Next when he showed the gem to a oil merchant and the merchant was ready to offer him a big barrel of oil for that. Then he went to a goldsmith who ascertained the value of the gem for fifty thousand gold coins. Atlast he went to a specialist dealing in gems who said that the gem was invaluable and the entire world could not be equal to its worth. The man returned and reported the details to the saint. Then the saint smiled and said, ' you are this invaluable gem ! Understand, no one could rate your value. Each one rated its value according to his ability and his limited knowledge. The variations in the price itself point out the limitations of the valuevers and not the value of the gem. So each of us created by God is invaluable. We should realise this and not fall into the whims of others but do something meaningful in life befitting us.

You are unique. Generally it is a tendency among the people to compare themselves with others. The very nature of this creation is diversity. The purpose is to enjoy and identify, and experience unity in diversity. Comparison is impossible among things of different nature. Salt has its value and sugar has its own. Among the flowers also colors, shape, scents and blooming according to season are unique in themselves. It is the same case with animals, birds, trees, stones and everything in creation. The uniqueness of each thing makes it a valuable one and incomparable. No one is superior to another or inferior to another. It is a man made division, with his limited understanding, he compares and degrades the beauty and value of the entire diversity. Comparison is possible among the equals having the same characteristics. If someone likes salt dishes to sweet ones, the liking is subjective, individualistic and not general. Becuase of this , sweet does not lose its value. Similarly imperfections are bound to be there but they don't take away the value of the things. A person may be very kind but not good looking or may be poor but hardworking. Value him as he is. If everything is same or similar, man will get bored with monotany and the world. The diversity of the objects attracts him and keeps him engaged to discover and to do something worthwhile in life. The very purpose of creation of this world is to make man realise that the very same divine thread is woven into all objects including humanbeing who is also a part of the creation like a garland with the same single thread passing through different kinds of flowers .
It is the ignorant people who set values on the basis of status, power, wealth and other things earned again with the help of Nature only compare and differentiate human beings. These are external man-made artificial creations. The problem is everybody wants to be somebody else, nobody wants to grow. The best solution or remedy is to believe in yourself. The more you believe in yourself, the more you could trust yourself, the more you trust yourself, the less you will compare yourself to others and try to imitate them.
Don't compare yourself with anyone in the world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. As Swamy Vivekananda said,
 " The greatest sin is to think yourself weak."
You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are . You are you .
  Don't associate with men who belittle you or do not respect you. Seek the company of the good. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results.
Continuously nourish your subconscious mind with noble thoughts, it will enrich your life and you will learn to live within yourself. You will find a source inside you which will always spring up a whole world of mysterious ,noble thoughts and spiritual riches beyond imagination.
Then the clarity of vision and a pure conscience and powerful mind will become your best friends. It is said, " We are not sent into the world to do anything into which we cannot put ourselselves."
Thus everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. He has to discover and fulfil it. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated.
All scriptures teach us that we should believe in ourselves, the energy and vitality is deep within us. And man can redeem himself by himself only and not by any one else.
Our existence has a purpose, a cause to pursue and a goal to achieve. If we have this conviction, our life will be joyous and meaningful. We are only responsible for the quality of our life and no use blaming on anything, circumstance or anyone. As rightly said,
For anything and everything,
" If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you,
 If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you."
Be a friend to yourself. You should love yourself. That will take away the inferiority complex.
Do not imitate others and never fall into the hands of others who want to change you according to their mould. Use every opportunity to improve yourself to get the best out you.
Never underestimate your worth and your role in the world. Realize your potential nobody else will.
" We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart of  which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities."
Make yourself powerful. Discover the eternal divine potential in you.
You don't need companions from outside. Vision or goal, determination, perseverance,hope and your pure conscience  , all these your companions are in you and always with you.  With these faithful companions of yours, you will discover and land into the mines of eternal riches. Worldly success will not will not remain a goal but it will come as a byproduct.
You are divine. Whenever we  irrespective of being poor or rich, get joy from any experience either
from music, painting, watching a play or any absorbing soulful activity, that joy arises from somewhere deep within us. That is we our inner self. We are the joy.

 To sum up in the words of Rumi,
" You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideas and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling. So don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly."

This is the ultimate goal of life which every human being is blessed with. He should make his life to realize this blessing conferred him and make use of it making his life equally a blessed one.

1 comment:

Vandana said...

Such an uplifting article Amma! The so called rat race seems so silly in light of this...