Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hidden gems - 1 Glory of mother


                                               Glory of mother

          Once, a man asked Swami Vivekananda, " Swamiji , why do you give so much importance to woman in your speeches ? What is so special about them. Like men, they have also been created by the  Creator". To this question, Swamiji did not reply, he simply pointed to a stone and asked the man to tie it around his belly and walk. The weight of the stone might be around four or five pounds. The man did not understand anything , but obeyed the order. He wrapped the stone in a cloth and tied it around his belly and tried to walk. The stone was heavy and could not put a step ahead. He cried in pain. Then the Swamiji replied, " This is the answer to your question. A woman, your mother carried you in her body for ten months bearing it joyfully . You are not able to bear it even for a second. Do you understand now ? That is why woman is the greatest and noblest creation of God."

Love, compassion, service all unconditional, all epitomized only one in the word ' mother .'

The sublime devotion and mystic connection that a mother has with her off-spring is beyond the description of words.

The most striking feature of woman is that she, not only gives birth to a child but also nurtures him with human values to make him a worthy creation of God, dedicated to the welfare of the world.
In indian culture, the principle of motherhood outranks everything because of her chastity. In fact, the purity and structure of the society is preserved only by the chastity of women.She is the visible manifestation of God. . Even the monks are required to touch the earth with their foreheads before their mothers.

There is a popular saying in Sanskrit-

" Mother and Motherland is superior to even heaven."

The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. The highest credit given to mother is seen in the following quote by E.M. Forster,

" I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars."

1 comment:

Jaya said...

Very nicely written, Amma. You are an epitome of all the love, kindness and knowledge a mother bestows :) .