Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Human body - a marvel

                            The Human body - a marvel
                   ( From the Archives of the Puranas )

Of all the created beings, human being is considered to be the best. It is a perfect unit of physical body, mind and intellect.
The mysterious human body, the temple of God, is a marvelous place for the immortal soul ( the Consciousness ), the indweller. The body is supposed to be a product of the parabdha karma ( actions done in the previous births ) of the individual. It is the most marvellous and delicate machine in the world. It has the in-built system of working and taking rest at times whenever needed. It is said when things are placed in their proper ,fitting place, only then they look beautiful. The appropriate placement of hair, teeth, nails, the flexibibility of the limbs, coverage of the organs by the layer of the skin add aesthetic beauty to the body. Structurewise also it is beautiful. Its mechanism is highly complex. The structure and working mechanism of the human body still fascinates the researchers throwing new light on it every now and then.

Ancient thinkers were aware of the intricate structure and functions of the human body ver well. The details of the physiology are vividly depicted in various puranas like Agni Purana, Markandeya Purana, Garuda Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana and others.
Information regarding the structure and formation of the foetus and its developments is very striking in details. The soul in the foetus is surrounded by the fluid in the womb and is in the form the male seed up to the first two months. In the third month it starts getting the various limbs. He acquires subtlety, the faculty of hearing from the sky. From the wind, he takes the faculty of touch, coarseness, activity and faculty of heat. He takes the faculty of sight from light. From water, he absorbs taste, coolness, the faculty of being drenched and that of softness. From the earth, he gets smell and weight. The basis of the body is formed mainly from the contributions of the five elements of nature only.
In the third month , the soul gets the throbbing quality. If the pregnancy-desire of the would - be - mother is not satisfied the foetus may develop faults, deformity or even death. Hence whatever the woman desires in the period of pregnancy should be given. In the fourth month the foetus gets limbs settled. In the fifth month blood is formed in it, in the sixth month, strength, color, hair and nails are generated. In the seventh month , the mind starts functioning, the hair and nails get fully developed.
In the eighth month, the skin gets developed and settled and there is development of memory also. It is said in the scriptures that a child born in the eighth month does not survive. In the ninth month, the child comes out naturally by the force of the inner winds that cause the delivery.
In the living body there are 108 vitals and 300 bones. In the head, there are 7 sherds ( kapalani ) and on the body there are three and a half crores of hairs. From the heart shoot 72 thousand arteries ( nadis ) called ' Hita '. Among them the one called Shashiprabha is the main. It is said that skin, flesh, blood and the intestines are from mother's side, while the nails, teeth, bones, penis ,speech, head and the manly seed are from the father's side. The body is generally described as being formed from the five elements. From the element of Earth come skin, bones, nadi ( artery ), hair and flesh . From that of Water come the saliva, urine, semen, blood and marrow. From Tejas ( Fire ) come hunger, sleep, thirst, lustre and sluggishness. From Wind come the faculty to run, breath, contraction and expansion, control, passion, hatred, shame and coyness, fear and swoon and from Sky come sound, serenity, hearing and all - possessiveness. There are ten nadis, namely, Ida,Pingala, Sushumna, Gandhari, Gaja-jihva, Pusha, Yasha, Alambusha, Kuhu, and Shankhini. There are ten winds in the body - Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, Vyana,Naga, Kurma, Krkara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya. They all stand for different functions in the body. Prana residing in the heart is responsible for inhalation, exhalation, digestion of eaten food and water and separation of waste matter ( food in the form of excreta and water as sweat and urine ) and conversion of juice into semen etc.The function of  the Apana vayu is to remove the waste matter from the body and is responsible for the movement of back, knees and thighs. Samana vayu operates from the navel to the heart. Its duty is to carry the digested juice to all organs and nerves. Udana operates from the neck to the head. The body gets support from this. Through this wind only the contact between the subtle and physical body takes place. Yogis only through this vayu come out of the physical body and roam in different worlds. Vyana's main place is on the top of the organ of generation. It takes blood to all the organs. Naga is the cause for sneezing. Kurma is responsible for the action of contraction in the body movements. Krkara functions in hunger and thirst. Devadatta vayu is responsible for lethargy, sleep etc. Dhananjaya vayu promotes nourishment of the body.
About the function of various vital fluids in the body leading to the formation of semen, which causes the foetus,the macrocosmic life-principle is closely associated with the microcosmic life-breath. It is said that the fire is the life-breath of the day, while the life-breath of the fire is Madhusudana Vishnu himself. Further it is said that the fluids in the body controlled by the life-breath become the blood ; from the blood is produced flesh ;from the flesh comes fat, and therefrom the bones ; from the bones comes the marrow and from the marrow is produced semen, from the semen is produced the foetus(in the womb of the woman), even in the foetus, the five elements of Nature combine. Further, in semen reside the aspects of the moon and the sun-fire. The semen dwells in the phlegm, while in the bile the blood. Phlegm stays at the heart, while the bile is in the navel. The heart is said to be the place of the mind, and at the navel stays the fire. Mind is the god Prajapati. Phlegm is Soma and bile is the fire. The belief is that the whole world comprises only two main elements namely the fire and the Soma. The body is also shared by these two elements. The body, like the universe is said to be comprised of five major elements. The relationship is beautifully brought out. It is said that when the vital breath leaves the body, the latter is burnt at the pyre. From the smoke that comes from it is formed the cloud. From the cloud water is released in the form of rain, which showers on the earth. From her is produced the odor; from the odor is created the fluid; from the fluid corn, from the corn the semen, from the semen new life. Thus goes on the circle. In the body also the fluid generates the body-fire which nourishes the body. The bodily fire requires food and water. If sufficient food and water is not provided, the bodily fire subsist on blood, which condition leads to the body suffering from tuberculosis. If there be more fluid and water, the bodily fire gets weak and that too leads to ill health. The fire stays at all parts of the body, at the neck, back, joints and at all other parts. If the fire is well fed, but not controlled, there is the generation of passion, which being uncontrollable leads to destruction. The element of wind in the body helps separate the food taken in, into digested and non-digested.It is then function of this wind to shower the bodily water on the fire to quench and satisfy it with food. Being bellowed by the wind, the bodily fire causes the food to be digested heating the water, taken along with it. The non-digested food (kitam) is left in the body in then form of twelve kinds of dirt, namely from the ear, eyes,nose, tongue, teeth, lips, generative organ,the anus,phlegm,perspiration,urine and excreta . These elements of dirt, if not let out, restrict the nadis (vital veins ) in the body.In that case, the wind places the fuid at their mouth to work.The food gets changed into many-phased vital material, the best being the semen.When the semen is released in the womb of a woman, it carries with it an aspect of jiva ( life ) of a person, along with its previous actions.Then the foetus is developed into a human body.
The general physical condition is indicated by the type of dreams a person gets,and by the features of the body.It is said that a person who is very slender, has very thin hair, is unstabe, talkative and has irregular hunger, dreams that he is wafted up in the air, he has the vata-prakrti ( predominated by wind element ).
A person who has become old prematurely is given to wrath, always perspiring, fond of sweets, sees bright things in the dream, he is said to have pitta-prakrti (bile-predominating ).
A person with a firm body, steady mind, full of lustre, having glistening and emollient hair, dreams of clear water, he is said to have kapha-prakrti (phlegmatic ).
It is said that blood and bile (pitta) get heightened due to sexual intercourse and great stress of work. The same is the case when the food not properly cooked is taken, or when there is long march on the road. The bile gets heightened by fear, and the same is the resut when to much water is taken in or when one sleeps just after food.Phlegmatic humour increases in the case of idle persons , giving rise to gases. Breaking of bones ( namely breaking sound ), tawny color of the mouth, dryness of the mouth, yawning, excitement are indications of vata (gout ). Yellowness of the nails, eyes and the veins, bitter taste, thirst and heat are the indications of pitta (bile ).
The human body, like that of other such creatures has nine openings-two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, mouth, the anus and the generation organ. The tenth is the brahma-randhra at the scalp, which is very soft at birth and gets hardened. Now when a person dies, his vital breaths are believed to shoot out from any one of these openings. The navel-pit is said to be the limit for the upper eight openings and the lower two. It is said that the vital breaths of righteous persons pass away through any of the upper openings, and those of the sinful from either of the lower ones.

The uniqueness of the human body is that it is blessed with mind and intellect. Structurewise, they are inert. It is the consciousness pervadind in the body is the substratum for all its activities like electricity pervading in a bulb or fan for its functioning.
The various organs are designed for doing various kinds of actions. The body has an in-built capacity of recharging itself through rest and sleep. The body with its mind and brain has enormous energy to accomplish great works.The fatigue and exhaustion due to works can be overcome by the body. Even prayer, meditation and dedication to work, selfless service to humanity deposit the feeings of hope, love, openness and serenity, spreading a sensation of warmth and calmness slowly all over the body. In a short time, one can return to one's busy schedule feeling refreshed, refocussed and recharged. This indicates that our well-spring of enjoyment lies in our own inner self. The Supreme Power is within us only and not outside. In the words of Thomas Moore -
' The soul is a garden enclosed, our own perpetual paradise where we can be refreshed and restored.'
The act of meditation or trying to look within, calming the mind can take one to a brief pilgrimage to tranquil places within. It is said-
' Here in the body are sacred rivers, here are the sun and moon as well as the pigrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.'
We should realize the relationship with our body which is always with us, which is our best friend beyond the limits of our physical characteristics. At the center of our being lies the soul. This inner spiritual light represents all our beauty, strength and other psitive qualities. It is not troubled by physical shortcomings or limitations. By learning to inhabit our body more consciously and in a kinder way, we can build a base for a wiser and healthier relationship with our physical body and with inner life.
     The entire Nature and the various objects created in it are for the enjoyment and benefit of human beings. The human being is a link in the chain of Nature. All are inter-connected. Destruction of one in the chain breaks the entire delicate net-work. The organs of action of human body are meant for various activities of the body. The sense organs are provided for its enjoyment of objects in the world, but within limits. Eyes are meant to see and enjoy good things, ears to hear good , likewise all organs are designed to absorb only the good things and feel the presence of divine glory everywhere. Scriptures state that the tendency of sense-organs is going outward. That should be controlled by the mind and intellect.Mind is the base for emotional health and intellect for discrimination and wisdom. Man is provided with body, mind and intellect so that they can work in equilibrium for leading a well-balanced , enjoyable life. Any disturbance in this will lead to miseries only.The scriptures describe this in a beautiful manner. The senses are the horses, the mind is the reins for holding the horses, intellect is the charioteer, the body is the chariot and the owner of this chariot is the soul. If the charioteer controls the horses with reins from straying away from here and there (from the alluring sense objects), he can reach his destination safely with his chariot. The goal of human life is meant for a higher purpose namely realizing the divinity in one's own self and the same in others also. This is called the highest state of peace and bliss.
For achieving this state the chariot (body ) has also to be in a good condition. The body requires food to live and thrive. For that the cherished treasures of Nature are available to him. A wise man should avail himself of that like the sun-shine, pure water, air, seasonal vegetables and fruits and utilizing body for exercise and good actions. He should observe the laws of eating,drinking and sleeping. It is the sound health of the body that is important. When the body is healthy, the mind will also entertain good and positive thoughts. The mind and intellect are provided with ,so that man can think and conduct himself and so lead a pure life as laid down in the scriptures.He who lives in tune with Nature and regular in prayer, meditation, who develops purity of mind freeing himself from negative thoughts like jealousy, pride, hatred, he leads a healthy, long and useful life. We should keep our unique body-machinery in perfect working order. Maintaining our vigorous health and strength will help us to discharge our duties in a satisfactory manner and secure a speedy spiritual evolution to developing divine qualities efficiently for the attainment of the final beatitude or Moksha.
It is clear that our body and its structure equips us to live up to our highest potential. In fact, eachone is created with a specific purpose to serve the society in his own capacity and attain the goal of life. The body is the vehicle to carry out the mission. It is sacred. we should realize that not only our body but that of every other one's is a rare and cherished gift of creation.We have to honor and protect it. The same divine spark is in all.
By harming us and others, we are proving that we are unworthy of this body, a precious gift of the Supreme who has been kind enough to bestow this on us for our own benefit. We are no less than a donkey who does not know the worth of the sandolwood it carries on its back. Still worse like a monkey who when offered a beautiful garland of flowers, not only does not know its worth but alsoknows only to crush it.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ponder a while

                                    Ponder a while

Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub ; It is the centre hole that makes it useful. 
Shape clay into a vessel ; it is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room ; it is the holes which make it useful. 
Therefore profit comes from what is there and usefulness from what is not there.
  • If you are bitter at heart, sugar in the mouth will not help you.
  • If your heart is a rose, then your mouth will speak perfumed words.
  • As soon as your cart is turned over, everyone reaches to give you advice.
  • One can get sick of cake, but never of bread
  • Truth and oil come to the surface.
  • Call the bear uncle till you are safe across the bridge.
  • When a king makes a mistake, all people suffer.
  • Needle is small, but it sews expensive garments .
  • Aim high in your career but stay humble in your heart.
  • If you cannot serve, you cannot rule .
  • Stubborn men make lawyers.
  • The darkness of night cannot stop the light of morning.
  • What is wrong today won't be right tomorrow.
  • The world exists on three things : Truth, justice and peace

Small things matter

                                     Small things matter

           Man is always in a hurry. While doing great works the man is in such a hurry that he ignores and neglects small small things which lead to a heavy loss. And this realization dawns on him when it is too late.
A small leakage in a water pipe if neglected, can flood the entire area around. A small hole can sink a big ship.A small spark of fire if ignored, can turn into a big fire creating a great havoc. Similarly, cold or cough however trivial it may look, can lead to diseases. The texts on politics point out that even an enemy, however small he may be,should not be ignored in the interest of the country. A small weed allowed to grow in the garden will usurp the nutrients of the soil and affect the growth of healthy plants.
In the same fashion, small things in fact, add value and glory to the accomplishments. Seasoning to the dishes in cooking, garnishing the salads with spices and herbs, toppings to the ice creams, cakes not only give treat to our palate but also to our eyes. Little learning something good and new everyday grows into a vast store house of knowledge. Small drops of water ultimately fill up a bucket full. Small savings done regularly accumulate into a huge wealth in due course. Steps though small, taken continuously lead ultimately to the desired destination.
Sometimes a little planning devoting little time can pave way for huge success in life. Getting up early morning half an hour earlier than usual, allotting  five  minutes for prayer or meditation, then twenty minutes for a breakfast in a relaxed manner , enjoying dinner with the members of the familyand before going to sleep lying down in a relaxed position glistening to a soothing music or doing a prayer or remembering some happy incidents, will go a long way in maintaining good health and balance between inner self and outside world by decongesting the negative thoughts and promoting the positive aspect of the mind. Slowly and steadily this brings discipline and efficiency in routine works . Then one will find joy in every small thing. Big tasks can be achieved easily. And this will give capacity to turn more works in less time.Such a small step taken daily will evolve into a joyous and sublime spiritual journey which will make you feel always relaxed and fresh.

There is a beautiful story which depicts how negligence of small things due to hurry causes annoyance and heavy loss .
Once upon a time, a merchant sold all of his merchandise at a fair and filled his money bags with gold, silver and jewels. He wanted to go back home and sleep in his own bed. So he packed his riches in his trunk and put it on his horse and rode away.
At noon he rested in a town. When he wanted to move on, a stable boy brought out his horse and said, " Sir, a nail is missing in the shoe of its near hind foot " .
" Oh, don't bother me with these little things."
" The shoe will  certainly stay on for the six miles I have still to go. I am in a hurry."
In the after noon, when he once more climbed on his horse and had the animal fed, another stable boy
Running towards him ,said, " Sir, a shoe is missing from your horse's near hind foot. Shall I take him to a blacksmith ? "
" No ", answered the merchant -" The horse can well hold out for the couple of miles that remain. I am in a big hurry."
So,he continued, but before long the horse began to limp. Then it stumbled, fell down and broke its leg .
The merchant was forced to leave the horse where it was,unbuckle the trunk, take it on his back and go home on foot. The trunk was very heavy and he had to put it down in between and rest for a while. Soon it became very dark. He saw a band of robbers coming on the road. Sensing danger, he dropped the trunk there and ran away in a different , unknown direction to save his life.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wit and Wisdom

                                      Wit and Wisdom

  • The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core strength within you that survives all hurt.
  • Desperation is sometimes as powerful as inspirer as genius.
  • It is the experience of living that is important, not searching for meaning. We bring meaning by how we love the world.
  • The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
  • Never invest your money in anything that eats or needs  repairing.
  • Advertising is eighty five percent confusion and fifteen percent commission
  • If we could sell our experience for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaries.
  • Labor is craft, but perfect rest is an art.
  • The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not being said.
  • You can wash your hands but not your conscience.
  • You cannot be anything if you want to be everything
  •          Despise not any man, and discard not anything, for there is not a man who has not his hour and there exists not a thing which has not its place.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Home, sweet home

                        Home, sweet home

It is said east or west, home is the best.

A householder left home in search of finding the highest beauty. Here beauty is not to be taken in the modern sense as it is understood now. It is an enduring quality which always appeals to the mind and has a soothing effect on the mind. He met a number of people. When he asked a sage, he replied that one can find the greatest beauty in faith. Because faith alone can reveal God even from a stone.
Then he came across a devotee who said that the real and ultimate beauty is in love only. Because of the selfless love only, Lord Krishna is dearest to all. The householder was not satisfied. He saw a soldier coming on the way. The army man said that peace is the real and the greatest beauty.
Two days had passed since he left his home. He was not satisfied with his quest. So many people and so many different answers for the same single question . He felt home sick. He wanted to see and be with his family. So he returned home. All the members of his family were crying and could no longer bear separation from him. The moment they saw him coming, they all ran and clung to him. He grew richer in his ignorance and repented that in vain he left the house to find something which is not available outside. For, faith, love and peace are found only in one's own home. That is why one can find oneself only at home. So, it is rightly said that ' Home, sweet home'.
Home is the place to find happiness. If one does not find it here, one cannot find it anywhere.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Food for thought

                             Food for thought

  • Whatever happens in accordance with nature should be accounted good.
  • Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
  • The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want.
  • One must learn by doing the thing, though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.
  • Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages.
  • The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
  • It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness.
  • If you carry with you your childhood, you never become older.
  • Time is the great physician.
  • A honest man's word is as good as his bond.
  • Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
  • Everyday, commit yourself to experiencing the good life.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

My father , my treasure

                            My father, my treasure - On Father's day

  Here is an outpouring of feelings of a son towards his father.

When I was three years of age, I felt that my father is the most powerful person in the whole world.

When I became six years of age, my father seemed to be the most learned one among all the people.

When I was fifteen, I started feeling that my dad is far behind the times and needs some more knowledge to keep pace with the present progressive world.

When I entered my twenty, I felt my father could not match the wave lengths of my thoughts.

When I was twenty five, I imagined that my father has the habit of finding fault with each and every work. So to seek his advice or help is futile.

When I was thirty, it dawned on me that my father could understand a little of the world and its ways because of the exposure to the media.

When I was thirty five, something in me urged that I should seek his advice in small matters at least.

When I was forty, I felt the need of my father's guidance in some important matters also.
When I was fifty, I decided that I should not do anything without consulting my father, because by then I had realized that my father is the most wisest man in the world and a precious treasure to possess. Indeed, father is a precious gift given to all by the Almighty.

This depicts how the feelings attain maturity in due course.
For an innocent child, his home is the world . He adores his father as the supreme in the whole world. As he grows into a big boy and reacts with the external world, he starts finding limitations in his father . Slowly as he gets into the middle age and a little above and after undergoing all the tribulations in life, he realizes the spark of wisdom in his father.
This is a beautiful graphic description of the feelings of a child from his innocence to adulthood.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Nectar drops

                                   Nectar drops

  • The art of living is just the right balance between work, achievement and play.
  • The greatest failure in life is to live unhappily.
  • The secret guide line to success is simply to remove your worries, and find ways to enjoy your life.
  • Turn a nature walk into a treasure hunt.
  • Listen to all the teachers in the woods. Watch the trees, the animals and all the living things. You'll learn more from them than books.
  • The six virtues that doctors have to possess since a doctor is expected to work with compassion. The six virtues are - generosity, ethics, tolerance, perseverence, concentration and intelligence.
  • The decision making skills are what makes a man great.
  • If we take any action that is not geared toward a goal, we are wasting time.
  • Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power which can move the whole world .
  • Once we discover. how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life .

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why do Indian women apply vermilion on the forehead and on their head at the partition ot the hair after marriage?

                         Why do Indian women apply vermilion on the forehead and on their head at the partition of hair after marrige ?

          It is pointed out in the Puranas that no ritual like worship of the deity, sacrifice  or others can be performed without this. Vermilion is considered to be very auspicious by Indians and thus used for various purposes on special occasions like wedding and festivals.
Vermilion is not just used by womenfolk of India. Even men, boys , girls and little children apply a dot of this powder kept in the temples in India when they visit a temple or attend  some religious function. However, for married Indian woman, it is almost compulsory to apply kumkum ( vermilion)  on the forehead and in the parting of their hair every day. Vermilion is applied with index finger or ring finger. It is applied in between the eye brows.
Traditional authentic kumkum or vermilion of India is made by grinding the dried turmeric to a powder. A few drops of lime are added to this yellow powder, which changes its hue to a bright red. Turmeric is the best source of cleansing of skin and the Ayurveda recognizes its therapeutic utility. Hence this red color purifies skin,and a natural binder of all mental faculties.
The spot between the eyebrows is called ' Agya chakra' and is very significant in the spiritual field. It is the centre of all the activities of the body. The sage Yajnavalkya considers this place of Shiva's eye as sacred. This is also known as the ' Third eye '. Application of vermilion at this spot gives coolness and peace. It helps to maintain the balance of hormones like Serotonin and Beta endorphin which destroys stress. Mind becomes pure and leads to good works. Self-confidence gets boosted up.
Vermilion holds a great degree of significance for especially married women. Applying vermilion by women on the head is an indication that the lady is married. It creates reverence for her in the society. In addition, it adds to her beauty. During the marriage ceremony the groom applies sindoor on the forehead and his bride's hair for the first time. From that day onwards, Indian women apply vermilion on their forehead and the parting of hair at the head for the long life of their husband. It is also one of the sixteen adornments specified for married women.
Liberation while living is considered in Indian life to be the highest experience , a fusion of the individual with the universal. The purpose is to search for the whole truth within, so that one may realize one's inner self, unfolding the basic reality of the universe. The individual consciousness, called Kundalini Shakti exists in latent form, not in every human being but in every atom of the universe. The object is to awaken or arouse the feminine energy Kundalini and cause it to unite with Shiva, the pure consciousness pervading the whole universe. This is done through recitation of mantras and meditation
.The Kundalini or feminine energy is the vast potential of psychic energy, the body's most powerful thermal current. Even music and dance can arouse the Kundalini's dormant force and direct it to higher planes, until its perfect unfolding and our conscious awareness of its presence within us is realized. In fact any fine art, if practiced with dedication and enjoyed properly, the joy arising  from that is considered akin to Bliss from realization of the Supreme. This Kundalini lies at the of the spine. When she is aroused, she ascends above to the crown of the head to unite with Shiva, the pure consciousness, whose manifest energy she is, through the psychic centers, the chakras that lie along the axis of the spine as conscious potentials. All the chakras are repositories of psychic energy and they govern the whole condition of being. The chakras are supposed to be six starting from the base of the spine as Muladhara, Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna ( between the eye brows ). Sahasrara, the seventh, the transcendent chakra, is situated four fingers' breadth above
the top of the head.
The Sahasrara chakra is said to be the region of Shiva, the Pure Consciousness, while Muladhara is the seat of Shakti, whose form here is Kundalini. Through meditation and certain prescribed discipline the Kundalini Shakti rises through the psychic centers until it reaches its full flowering that is fusion with the Absolute in Sahasrara as Kulakundalini generating Bliss Comsciousness ( ananda )
from the union of Shiva Shakti

The two spots connected with the vermilion are Ajna chakra and Sahasrara.
Ajna chakra - Two currents of psychic energy flow through Ida and Pingala from the base of the Spine, spiralling in opposite directions around the Sushumna meet the Sushumna channel in the region of Ajna chakra ( between the eye brows ). This is called third eye. It controls the various states of concentration realized through meditation and commands one's whole personality . This chakra is associated with various cognitive faculties of the mind. Both mental images and abstract ideas are experienced at this level.Its deity is Paramashiva, as in the Sahasrara, he is represented in this chakra in the form of a bindu ( dot ), symbolizing the inseparable Shiva-Shakti, the cosmic unity whose self-luminous consciousness is all pervading, all -unifying.
Sahasrara meaning ' thousand ' is ' The Lotus of the thousand petals ' located four finger breadths above the crown of the head. Also called Brahmarandhra, it is the meeting place of Kundalini Shakti and Shiva.
It is the center of quintessential consciousness where integration of all polarities is experienced and the Bliss is experienced and this is represented in the form of a bindu. Here the Kundalini merges with Shiva in the midst of eternal Bliss and nectar.
In Ajna chakra, there is still the experience of a self apparently different from the Supreme but in Sahasrara, it is not different. There is no object, no God, there is nothing but the Supreme. There is no
Experience because it is one, it is without a second.
According to Indian tradition, marriage is the eternal union of female and male energy. It is apt that the bridegroom applies vermilion on the bride's forehead between the eye brows and on the parting of hair on her head during the marriage ceremony. It is symbolic. In women, application of vermilion on the forehead protects her from hypnotism and mesmerism by others as this spot is very sensitive, thus her loyalty to her husband is safeguarded.
The spot on the parting of her hair is the point where Shiva resides. This point is more delicate in women than in men. Vermilion protects her from evil  and skin problems.
Application of sindoor on the forehead and in the partition of hair cools both the spots. The young girl assumes the role of a wife, daughter-in -law, sister- in - law and mother after the marriage. Vermilion not only adds charm to her personality but reminds her and gives her mental coolness to carry out the new responsibilities cheerfully.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Surrender of Ego

                                        Surrender of  Ego

    Once a rich man's son was studying in the hermitage of a sage. When he completed his education he wanted to pay something as a taken of gratitude to his master. In those days students used to stay in the house of the teacher in the outskirts of the city and complete their education. After the studies were over only, they would pay fee or anything whichever the teacher asked for. This was known as Dakshina. As per the custom, the boy expressed his wish to pay the dakshina. The teacher was very wise. He asked the student to give him that thing which was of no use at all. The boy went in search of finding out the useless thing. When he touched the soil thinking it was of not any use, the soil screamed, "  You consider me as useless ! All the riches of this earth comes out from me only."
Heraing these words, he went ahead. He saw a pile of garbage. The foul smell emanating from that was very disgusting.  He decided that it must be the most useless thing in the world. So he extended his hand towards that, immediately there arose a voice from that, " What ? can you get a better natural and rich fertilizer than me on this earth ? All crops get the best and natural nourishment only from me." Then the truth dawned on him that every thing created by God is useful in way or the other. It is the ego of man which categorises things into useful and useless. He realized that useless is one who considers others as useless. What else can be that except one's own ego?
The student returned, apologizing himself, told the teacher that he could not find anything worthless except his ego. So he had come to surrender his ego as a token of gratitude to the teacher. The master was very happy and said , " Now only you have gained the real knowledge. Because knowledge is fruitful only when ego is given up. Humility is the ornament of knowledge."
It is aptly said,
 Knowledge gives humility, from it comes worthiness, from worthiness one does good deeds, and from good deeds comes the real joy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Uplifting thoughts

                                Uplifting thoughts

  • The genuine beauty of acquiring knowledge is that you can learn at any time
  • Chasing after the impossible you lose what is possible
  • Most problems are really the absence of ideas.
  • Making excises does not hurt anybody but yourself.
  • Accepting responsibility is accepting challenge.
  • Truth and False are attributes of speech, not of things. And where speech is not, there is neither Truth nor Falsehood.
  • If you want to be a success, display enough courage to welcome failures
  • When you read a classic you do not see mote in the book than you did before; you see more in you than there before.
  • The world is charged with grandeur of God.
  • Noble be man,
           Helpful and good !
          For that alone
           sets him apart
        From every other creature on Earth.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Relax and enjoy for a while

                          Relax and enjoy for a while

  • Classic is a book which people praise and don't read.
  • No matter what your age, you should keep learning- for in learning you stay curious, interested, involved and engaged.
  • With true friends, even water drunk together is sweet enough.
  • Bread feeds the body, indeed,but flowers feed also the soul.. 
  • Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose.
  • Lose an hour in the morning and you will be looking for it the rest of the day.
  • Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they did not stop to enjoy it.
  • The most pleasant and useful persons are those who leave some of the problems of the universe for God to worry about.
  • Vote for the man who promises least; he 'll be the least disappointing.
  • Retirement is the transition from who's who to who's He.

Essence of Religion

                                     Essence of Religion

Once there was an international conference on ' Religion ' was going on in the outskirts of a city. All reputed scholars representing different religions from all over the world were participating. During the lunch hour, enjoying their food in the open garden, the scholars were thrashing out the minute details of their religion to one another trying to assert the superiority the superiority of their religion. At a short distance from there there was an old well and green fields wete nearby. A low voice was coming from the well ' please help me, is some one there ?'
Though the scholars heard a mild cry, they were so busy in their discussion they ignored it. A farmer was crossing by that side with a bundle on his head. He did not even look at the scholars there, but concentrated on the mild voice calling for help. He looked around and came near the well. He looked into the well and saw a man struggling to come out. The farmer put his bundle down, took out a long rope from it. He dropped  the rope into the well and pulled out the man from it. Seeing this, all the scholars immediately rushed towards the farmer with their cameras and asked him as to which religion he belonged. Every one was eager to know his religion. The farmer replied , " I do not know any religion. I do farming and earn my livelihood. My parents taught me to be contented  in life and help others in need. So I love Nature, my work and doing service to others with love and devotion."

Religion did not create man, but man created religion. The greatest impulse in a man's life is his love for Freedom from miseries ,or the longing for the Infinite and inner joy. Man pursued his inner urge and found out the goal and the world named the path as religion.
It is interesting to note how the same urge and hankering in all parts of the world finds different channels of expression or takes to different paths to reach the ultimate destination. Again it is an interesting factor to note that all religions and their founders preach the same qualities of human spirit
such as  love and compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, contentment, a sense pf responsibility, a sense of harmony which bring happiness to both self and others. It is the followers who distort the principles  out of ignorance, selfishness, greed for power exploit the society in the name of religion. In fact, spirituality is the soul of religion. Once it is missed, all quarrels are always over the husks only.
This story clearly illustrates that an individual can develop such qualities without recourse to any religious belief. In fact, a man's inner resources are so rich that can provide the ability to rise above everyday experience. Under the circumstances, doctrinal imperatives  become unnecessary.
All beings are from the same creator or Same power of Nature. So it is rightly said,
Human beings are members of a whole,
In creation of one essence and soul,
If one member is afflicted with pain,
other members uneasy will remain,
If you have no sympathy for human pain,
the name of human you can't retain.
This is the essence of religion.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thoughts from Great minds

                                Thoughts from Great minds


  • One father is more than a hundred school masters.
  • If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.
  • Life is n't about finding yourself. Life's about creating yourself.
  • Insist upon yourself. Be original. 
  • If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
  • Money won't buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large research staff to study the problem.
  • Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
  • Big dictionaries are nothing but store rooms with infrequently visited and dusty corners.
  • A gentle man never eats, he breakfasts, he lunches, he dines, but he never eats.
  • I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe; I told it not, my wrath did grow.


Friday, February 6, 2015

The web of greed

                                  The web of greed

There was a king. He was new to the throne. He was very ambitious , conquered many countries and collected a lot of wealth. Once a saint visited the king. The king asked the saint, "  Noble soul ! what service should I do for you ?  I have enormous wealth to give." The saint had a small bowl and extending the same to the king told him to fill it.
The king said, " Respected Sir ! I will get this small bowl of yours filled with rare precious gems, gold and silver so that there will not be any dearth of money for the rest of your life."
At the order of the king, the treasurer started filling that bowl with rare precious gems. But the bowl was not full, with all the riches remaining at the bottom only. Soon the royal treasury itself became empty. There was nothing left there to add. The king was surprised and bowed before the saint, " Noble soul ! This bowl is made up of which material ? The entire treasury has been emptied still this small bowl is not full."
The saint smiled and replied, " Oh king, this bowl is made up of the bones of human skull. It is insatiable in nature. The human brain works all the time to fulfill its desires and desires know no limit."
Hearing this, the king was startled and asked the saint politely, " Noble Sir, your words have aroused my curiosity. Please explain to me in detail."
The saint explained, "  Oh king, the greed is a deep pot which can never be filled up by the gems and the riches pf the entire earth. This greed makes a man dance like a monkey, makes him roam here and there like a dog, makes him blind like an owl even during Sunlight. Like a fish he gets into a bait of greed and caught in the web of endless difficulties."
Hearing these words, suddenly the king woke up. He realized that all along what he experienced was in his dream. But he was happy to learn a  lesson from that.

The story is symbolic. In the Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, " Impelled by what does a man commit sin involuntarily, as though driven by force."
The Lord says, it is the desire. It is insatiable like fire, so wicked and deludes the man. Man should have control over the senses, mind and intellect to conquer this. This internal conquest is a must for a ruler.
Desire itself is not bad. But when it crosses beyond limits,it results in greed, an enemy of man. It is the duty of the king to protect his subjects from external and internal enemies and give them peace and happiness. The country should also be made prosperous but not at the cost of other countries.
The natural tendency of power to corrupt. So the king should not be elated by his riches and power. Like a philosopher he should set a moral standard for people to follow.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gleanings from Ancient Wisdom - Betel nuts- quid

                                 Gleanings from Ancient Wisdom - Betel nuts- quid

       In India, betel plays an important role since ancient times. It is valued for its medicinal properties.
Manasollasa  written by king Someshwara describes pancha sugandha as a Thambula with five aromatic ingredients, namely the cardamom, clove, nutmeg, mace and camphor, a truly royal concoction. Apart from its significance in stimulating saliva and gastric flow after a meal, Paan is also regarded as an auspicious symbol of hospitality and was offered as a moral and even legal commitment when an agreement was drawn up. The goddess  Lakshmi is believed to reside in the forepart of the betel leaf, Jyeshtha ( the older sister of Lakshmi and she is the remover of misfortue ) at the back, the goddess of speech on the right, Parvati on the
left, Vishnu inside, the Moon outside, Shiva in all the edges and Manmatha ( Cupid ) everywhere; Yama, the lord of death resides in the stalk, which is therefore pinched away and discarded before the leaf is used (  Shivatattvaratnakara).
   The quid kulpavida was made up of  10-12 betel leaves and must have been very large, in addition to the usual filling of betel nuts, slaked lime, and kattha, it also contained cardamom,nutmeg, almonds, pistachio and coconut shreds.
Muslims when they came to India, quickly took to chewing paan. Ibn battuta ( fourteenth century CE ) describes how it was served in the Delhi Sultanate at the end of elaborate palace meals.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Gleanings from Ancient Wisdom - Banana

                        Gleanings from Ancient Wisdom     - Banana

     It is a fact that traditional knowledge had been tested over years. Many folklores are based on the practices prevalent in the society.People of ancient times might not know the technical terms as prevalent now due to the advancement of science and technology. They lived with and amidst Nature and their observations were very accurate, so they took care of everything according to the needs.
The reason why the plantain bears fruits without pollination is described in a very interesting folklore in India.
Long ago, there were five sisters. When the girls came of age, their father wanted to find matches for the children according to their choice. The youngest girl named Kadali expressed her desire that she wanted only children, no husband. And also added that she wanted to grow old soon, while the older ones, all the four, wanted husband and children.
The older sisters got married and bore so many children that their husbands, seeing so many children ran away in sheer fright. These girls in their next life were born as Mango, Tamarind, Fig and Berry trees and bore many fruits symbolizing the children they had in their previous birth. Kadali, the youngest girl did not marry but produced children and grew old. Kadali turned into a Banana tree in her next birth. That is till today the plantain bears fruit without pollination and the fruits do not bear any seed. On the fruition , the entire plant dries up and is cut. New one starts afresh from the rhizome underneath the soil. It is a scientific fact proven today that cross- pollination is not needed in the fruition of banana stems whereas most of the fruit trees require cross- pollination for fruition of them.
The plantain is a sacred plant which is tied to poles at the corners of any sacred altar. The entire tree with its green leaves, purple flower along with the bunches of  green plantains hanging down are used as a gateway at the main entrance of the marriage ceremony as it is a symbol of fertility and prosperity for which marriage is celebrated. Furthermore, the greenery of the leaves is considered as an antidote for evil eye. The leaves are considered sacred and used in all religious ceremonies.
In India, the plant is worshipped in the month of Kartik ( Oct-Nov ) by women desirous of having male progeny.
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, who grants happiness and progeny. Girls and women water the Banana trees on Thursday as the plant is believed to be the incarnation of  Goddess Parvati and Lakshmi. It is believed that Parvati, a deity of conjugal love and Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity would confer their blessings on the devoted worshipper.
The yellow banana fruit is considered auspicious as its deity is Lord Vishnu and is an essential one offered to deities. Even in religious ceremonies, a priest is offered Dakshina ( fees) on the betel leaves with betel nuts and banana fruit on it.
In the Caribbean, where they are a major crop, bananas are particularly lucky fruit. A wish made while cutting a slice from the stalk end of a banana is bound to come true, if a Y- shaped mark is revealed.
All parts of the banana tree are useful. The leaves are used as plates. They are very hygenic. Food items do not stick to the leaves . Wrapping foods in leaves and baking them in the ashes , is one of the oldest forms of human cooking. It has two advantages, the material cheap, natural and available in places where they are grown , almost in most of the places in the world and it preserves much of the flavor and substance. The most common wrapping materials are large leaves, especially the banana. Wrapped foods are also commonly steamed and the leaves contributing to the flavor of the dish. The leaves can be easily disposed without spoiling the atmosphere.
The inner core of the stem, flower and green bananas are used as vegetable in cooking various recipies. These have the properties of cooling the stomach. It is believed that stems cure kidney stones.
Because of its availability and cheap price, the banana fruit is known as poor man's fruit.
The most delicious, seedless fruit has gained the status of the staple food of millions around the world, so much so that the soft ripe banana is the first solid food given to the babies. It serves as a filling and staple food for adults.
The ripe fruits are easily digested and the nutrients are absorbed well. Its high potassium content benefits the muscular system.
Research studies have shown that its high potassium and low in salt lowers blood pressure.
Research studies have proved that ripe banana taken at bed time induces good sleep due to the release  of serotonin- a happy - mood brain neurotransmitter.
An interesting thing about banana is that it is good both for constipation as well as diarrhoea  as it stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria in the bowels and helps normalize bowel movements.
Cough can be treated by mixing one- fourth teaspoon black pepper powder with a mashed banana and     taking it twice or thrice a day.
White flesh under the banana skin is used as a poultice for wounds.
Banana flesh and peels are used as face mask. Thus it serves as a beauty aid.
A man however great he may be, can't produce a single banana equivalent to Nature's.
Banana is just a small gem from the vast treasure - chest of bountiful Nature. Mother Nature does not discriminate her children as good and bad, rich or poor, but showers her bounty equally on all. Why we human beings, supposed to be the supreme among the created beings can't understand and reciprocate her generosity by not hurting her physically by spoiling and exploiting her rich resources and mentally by our artificial divisions, mutual hatred, selfishness, greed and false ego.