Friday, January 17, 2014

Religion, a path of discipline to spirituality as seen in the daily life of Indians


       Religion, a path of discipline to spirituality as seen in the daily life of Indians

 The socio- cultural life of people is shaped by its basic philosophy of life. For Indians, it has always been the religion. According to our ancient wisdom, religion and philosophy melt together in a common crucible, the crucible of life itself. Religion is a practical search for the Sublime, the Supreme Principle. In the first stage, the Sublime is realized in the cosmic power and later in social values. Then it is seen identical with the spiritual qualities like non- violence, love and goodness.

 Our scriptures have structured the daily life into various activities specifying their time and method. If viewed properly, we can find all our activities imbued with spiritual meaning. In the words of Swami Vivekananda ' The Hindu is a peculiar person. He does everything in a religious manner. He eats religiously, he sleeps religiously, he gets up in the morning religiously, he does good things religiously and also does bad things religiously.

Religion has three aspects: Philosophy, mythology and rituals. Philosophy deals with ultimate questions of life like the existence of God, nature of man, creation of this world, the goal of life as well as the path that leads to it. Mythology tries to bring these ideas from the dizzy heights of metaphysics to the ordinary level of understanding of common man through stories, similes and examples from day to day life. Then comes the role of rituals. Though designed to reflect the basic philosophy of life, they also help to release the energies and emotions through constructive channels, since they are action oriented.According to our scriptures, human birth is rare and the best among creation as it is alone is the means to salvation because of its discriminating power. The division of days into various tithis making them sacred to various deities and major festivals in various seasons show an organized life for the individual. The basis of all this is the fulfillment of four purusharthas namely, dharma, artha, kama and moksha. The masters of sriptures who evolved this system conceded the existence and the need to fulfill the natural instincts of a human being towards the pleasures of ' the here and the now'. Intuiting the power of these instincts, if unbridled, to create chaos and conflict in the society, they tried to regulate them through dharma, an iron frame work of a code of righteous conduct that would regulate these instincts, and allow them to be satisfied too. Controlling these instincts through dharma and by following disciplines prescribed in the scriptures, a human being can gradually transcend them, thus rising to higher spiritual aspirations.It is at this juncture that the concept of moksha ( liberation) appeals to the heart as also the spiritual disciplines needed for the same are voluntarily undertaken.

Not only the vratas and utsavas, even an ordinary day is designed exactly for this purpose of achieving the metamorphosis of the human being from mundane to the supra mundane levels.

The scriptures advise one to get up from the bed, at least one and a half hours before Sunrise, at the time known as Brahma muhurta, conducive to learning. At this hour, the sky emits a pale bluish light  or halo in the east.These bluish rays coming from the east contain a subtle awakening magnetism inspiring the brain and the body. There is one more reason also for selecting this hour for studies and prayer as this morning time is fully charged with vital energy, ozone. This living energy is what the body cells, nerves, and skin require for giving that fresh look or glow seen in good health seen on man's face. This vital energy is what the yogi requires for charging his six yogic centers or chakras during the Sandhya prayer of Gayatri.

While getting up, one is advised to look at one's palms, reciting a verse remembering the goddesses Lakshmi, Sarawati and Parvati praying that the day may dawn bringing all prosperities. Palms or hands is symbolic of work.Man's prosperity is hidden in his work or efforts only. What a beautiful way to boost self-confidence at the stating of the day !
As soon as one puts down his feet from the bed in the morning. he is expected to pray to the earth seeking pardon.What a noble concept ! The earth is like mother and should be respected.Stepping upon her is like hurting her.Apart from this, one should pray to one's deity.
It is not that we have to follow the same form.But we can modify it accordingly to our times. We can get up with a nice, positive feeling of looking forward to spend the day fruitfully with the feelings of gratitude to the Almighty for whatever He has given to us.

After getting up,with water full in mouth one should wash his eyes with splashes of water daily. This will ensure his healthy eyesight through out his life. This is stated in Garuda Purana which gives many valuable medical tips. Tooth cleaning is a must. Then morning bath is recommended for an absolute sound health. Bathing at night except under the auspices of lunar eclipses is prohibited. Bath after meals is prohibited. A morning bath either before or after the appearance of the Sun on the horizon is recommended as wholesome. Bath in the morning has a specific purpose to serve. The famous medical text by Sushruta gives the reason:
' The human body, extremely filthy within and provided with nine apertures ( openings), day and night exudes impure and unclean secretions and morning ablution is the means of bringing about its purification, each day. Morning bath imparts a cheerfulness to the mind and health and a beautiful complexion to the body.It dissipates grief and misery, bad dreams and evil thoughts .'
Modern medical experts also recommend morning showers.
Man should wear fresh clothes after bath.
Cultivation of good habits is emphasized often. Studies should be pursued every day. We should give up contact with wicked people, resort to the assembly of the good. We should do meritorious deeds day and night, remembering the unstability of everything in the world.It is beautifully said thus in Garuda purana,
' Those who had been unmindful of studies during studentship and those who have wasted their wealth during youth in pursuit of lust fall into a miserable flight during old age slighted by others and burning within like the lotuses in the winter season.'
What a beautiful practical tip !
A little study, a little virtue, a little act of charity practised each day, may serve to make the life full and woth living.
By strictly adhering to the performance of six rites every day man obtains every thing. They are- taking bath, Morning and evening prayers, recital of mantras, homa, worship of gods and hospitality to guests.
Taking food is also a sacred act. Anna is Brahman. Food contributes to the invigoration of the principles of earth, water, fire and air in the body and the essence of food, after being properly digested and assimilated in the organism, brings about a pleasurable condition to the self. So while taking food, one should feel thankful to the Lord for getting it due to His grace and pray for the continuity of the same.
Food shall not be cooked for one's own exclusively. Of the five portions of the food prepared in a household, each day, four should be respectively allotted to the use of the departed ancestors, gods, men and birds.
Greatest importance is attached to numerous injunctions and taboos about food.Light food is recommended for night.
The nature, quantity and cooking of food depend upon appetite, relish and season. food, containing a fair amount of liquid ingredients and taken neither too slowly nor too fast, is most easily digested, while heavy and too frequent meals impair digestion and health, insufficient food also weakens the body. Rest, light walks, enjoyable occupations not requiring heavy physical exercises and light sleep are beneficial for digestion.All meals should contain many ingredients of different tastes, but incompatible foods should not be included in a single meal. There is a method of serving food. Water is offered first but drunk at the end. As water represents Narayana, it is served first as it is the supreme food. Articles of sweet flavour should be taken at the starting of a meal. Things of acid and saline tastes in the middle and those of bitter, pungent and astringent flavour at the end. This order is to maintain the equilibrium of the three doshas for keeping sound health. Cold water is drunk after the meals as it counteracts the deranged pitta and helps the food in the stomach to be in a semi-liquid and easily digestible ( Sushruta ).
Regular physical exercises is one of the best methods for creating resistance to diseases and guarding against physical decay. As a general guidance, Sushruta directs that the duration of the period of exercise should be limited to half the time that brings physical exhaustion. There should be a definite time in the day for taking such exercises. Surya namaskara is the king of exercises. Such regular, adequate and proper exercise developes muscles all over the body, removes unwanted fat, improves the general appearance and complexion, gives greater digestive power, endurance,resistance to changes of temperature and resistance to diseases. It also gives the desirable mental qualities of alertness, retentive memory and sharp intelligence.
Walking serves an aid to longevity, improves digestion and bodily strength and gives sharpness to themind and senses. Strenuous walks reduce fat and check exessive secretion of kapha ( phlegm ), but fatguing walks may cause weakness and emaciation. Walking is recommended in the morning and after nightfall. A sufficient period of rest is necessary after exercise and walking, as such rest removes mental tensions and benefits the system. But sedentary habits increase accumulation of kapha and bodily fat and ultimately make the person weaker.

Evening time is the best time for prayers. Evening is marked with lighting the lamp at home. Evening dusk denotes ignorance, diseases and enemies and the lamp, the Almighty, the ultimate destroyer of all these and abode of bliss.
Recital of the most powerful Gayatri mantra, the meditation on the mysterious monosyllable 'Om', the symbolic name of the Supreme among our daily activities are important focal point for radiating healthy thoughts.
It is also mentioned that one should go to the temple of God for acquisition and preservation of his ( man's) desired objects ( Garuda purana ). Going to temple nearby and participating in Arti ( Waving of lights before the idol ) during evening surcharges one with spiritual environment. It induces serene thoughts. Now a days with one click, all types of stotras and mantras are available on i-pad, cell phone and cassettes. Listening to these will enable a man to surcharge his atmosphere with spirituality whenever wherever he needs. It is indeed a blessing to modern man to utilize such opportunities for his evolution.
Worship of Tulasi plant ( sacred basil ), Shalagrama ( a stone symbolizing Vishnu ), Shiva linga, Ashwattha tree, cow, all these reiterate the basic philosophy that divinity is present in all.
A restful sleep increases physical vigour, digestion, keenness of the senses and helps in balancing the bodily dhatus and doshas.

One should not sleep during the day and at both twilights. one should sleep only at night. at the time of going to bed, one should review one's actions done during the day and pray to god.What a beautiful finish to the end of the day !
Sleep is considered to be a nitya pralaya ( deluge ) when the individual self merges into the Supreme, giving the sleeper a taste of bliss. That is why sedatives are prescribed to induce sleep in bodily ailments. Because the proximity of the individual self to the Supreme brings about the sound health back.
Today the main cause of our malaise is our uprootedness. We are detached from our spiritual foundations which give us poise and balance. If the world is disorderly and miserable, it reflects the state of our minds.
In fact, all books on stress management, relaxation techniques give these points only in an attractive form. It is human nature to realize its valuable possession only when it is recognized and pointed out by others. Hinduism has offered one ultimate solution to all problems of life, that is 'moksha'. Since all our problems are rooted in the body-mind complex, transcending this is the ultimate solution. This will result not only in the freedom from sorrow and suffering but in positive bliss.
Our religion is a scientific one. It teaches universal truths and laws of nature just like a science. It points out that we have to make the best use of the present. What is gone is gone for good. What is future is still remote. He who acts only in the present knows no affliction.

Our rich cultural legacy has given us the pattern of activities of daily life to follow. Each activity is a stepping stone to the Supreme only making each day a pleasant, memorable and blissful one. Thus if we realize that we are not simply objects but subjects also, every day will give us a new chance, herald a new life, even a new order of society. when there is order in the nation there is peace in the world.

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