Monday, September 23, 2013

What is real beauty ?

                          What is real beauty ?

A student asked his teacher about the concept of beauty. The teacher explained to him that the beauty is not an external appearance or quality but an internal quality, usefulness of a thing or man.
" How"?
The teacher gave an illustration. There is a pot full of sweet custard. Nearby kept are a shining golden spoon with holes and cracks and a clean wooden spoon in a good condition. A hungry man comes there to eat that. Which spoon he would take?
The student said, " to a hungry person, a spoon with holes and cracks, however expensive and shining it may be, is not useful. He will pick up only the good wooden spoon. That alone will serve his purpose."
The teacher explained, " It is the usefulness of a thing that determines its real worth and that is its real beauty. Here the wood surpasses the shining gold  from the utility point of view. It is the usefulness of a thing that really attracts. Likewise a cultured man is more beautiful than the outwardly showy man. Beauty is an inherent quality."
The student understood the truth behind the beauty.

1 comment:

Jaya said...

Very thoughtful.

Nice article.
