Monday, June 17, 2013

Sanctity of human relationship


                                   Sanctity of human relationship

 With the joint family system gone and with the advent of nuclear family and working parents and onslaught of modern technology, children are left to themselves. So celebration of Father's day and Mother's day has become a necessity to inculcate the age old moral values in children. Now people realize and come together in the joy of honoring tradition and family values.

The modern conveniences and technological access to the world pale in comparison to the incomparable worth of real human contact and touch.
Life is the first precious gift, love is the second and understanding is the third. And it is the family bedrock that builds, cements and fosters all the three. People admit to finding happiness only in spending real time with family and friends.
Recent survey shows that the simplest formula in the world to make people happy is:-

Family + Food = Happiness.

The solid foundations for a good family are father and mother.Apart from providing food and shelter, it is the father who gives protection to the family.
There is a saying in Sanskrit that the father is greater than the sky and the mother is greater than the earth. The sky denotes vastness and encompassing protection. Earth represents service with patience. The care that a father gives to his  children is immense and incomparable. The classical letters of William Hazlett's letters to his son, Jawaharlal Nehru's letters to his daughter immortalize the warmth and this caring aspect of a father.
Many successful sportspersons, writers, business men, artists and great people learnt about love, family tradition, values, the work ethics, loyalty and all of the characteristics that helped to mould them in pursuing and achieving the desired goal only from the inspiration , guidance and support they gained from their dad.

Children are the hope of mankind because they carry the values further to future. Like a plant, which needs Sunlight, soil and water to grow, values , too, must be shared, cultivated and protected. Children, after all are not endowed with an innate ability to distinguish good from bad.  Long lasting Impressions can be made on fresh wet clay only. Like wise the values can be imprinted on fresh tender minds only. For this, the role model is father.

A maxim from Chanakya Niti Shastra summarises the attitude of a father towards his children.
 Let him pamper the child up to five years, he has to be very strict with him till ten years of age. When the son reaches the age of sixteen, he should be treated like a friend.
The father should pamper the child, but should correct him with love. After five, when the child interacts with the world, bad tendencies are likely to develop. So a father should be vigilant and should be strict and punish him also, apart from showing love. When the son attains the age of sixteen, he should be advised about good and bad like a friend. What a beautiful psychology behind this !
It can be seen that the intellectual progress and character development of a child depend to a large degree on the parents, on the common sense of his parents to accurately judge a situation and then take necessary action. Adolescence is a time when dependency causes hostility. Teenagers crave independence. To inspire confidence in teenagers , they should be given opportunity to use their creativity and make their own decision , under the able guidance of their father. To be helpful, parents need to learn empathy- an ability to respond genuinely to a child's moods and feelings without being infected by them.
Such a great responsibility on the part of a father !
It is the love, care, strict watch on the child putting him on the right path, guiding him at every step and enkindling ambition and helping him in achieving the desired goal of his life is the mission of a devoted father.
Family is a boon.It is mom and dad only who provide children with the greatest gift of all - unconditional love. They rejoice in every success of their children. They give moral and physical support in times of their distress.Thus when shared joy doubles and grief lessens. A son also feels great knowing that he can always rely on his dad for support and guidance. So a son's attitude towards his father is love with respect. He should realize and feel the warmth of love even in his father's strictness which is only for his good.
A father's delight is summarized in a Sanskrit maxim thus,
In this world, generally one is jealous of the other's prosperity. Only there are two persons in the world who want that they should be excelled by their subordinates. One is teacher and the other is father.A father always takes pride in the excellence of his children. He sacrifices every thing to make his children successful.Such is the greatness of a father !

So the celebration of Dad's day should not be limited to one day only that too by making cards and sharing sweets with him.The love and gratitude towards the Dad should be treasured and cherished throughout the life.

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