Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rediscovering ancient wisdom- Timeless wisdom



  In the words of Bernard Shaw;

“ Now that we have learned to fly in the Air like Birds and dive in the Sea like Fish, one thing remains, to learn to live on Earth like humans.’

Here where the values nourished in ancient wisdom step in.

However things may be scientific, but with passage of time and advancement of technology, they become mystical or not understandable, the terms may conjure up images of something backward in knowledge and actions. Generally anything past is associated with ignorance, superstition. Modern and ancient terms refer to the times when the same human being with his body, mind and brain facing the same challenges. Modern period’s advancement in science is visible and experienced but in ancient times too they had the same advancement in tune with the available materials and situations at that time.

The world of yesterday is not erased and completely replaced by a new world of today. Yesterday is still connected with today. Tradition and past are integrated into us. Prayers, ceremonies, festivals, fairs, family values all handed over to us and preserved even today without our being aware of. Before reading and writing became fundamental, the lessons and remembrance of faiths were passed through the spoken stories, songs, artwork and food. This made the traditions stick even after so many years passed. It’s because we like rituals. They connect us to our past and offer rich and powerful connections to our ancestors and each other. All rituals, everything has a special meaning  conveying to coming together to share food, prayer and community. In rituals chanting,singing and dancing also releases the brain chemicals beta endorphins when we act synchronously in groups. So there is an inexplicable joy people find.It’s such a beautiful moment. Everyone longs for it and cherishes too. Since most of the rituals, ceremonies , festivals often mark seasonal cycles, such as solstices and equinoxes, and align human life with the rhythms of nature, almost all festivals of all cultures overlap.

Can you imagine Christmas festival without Santa Claus , Christmas tree, lights and gifts, cakes, gingerbread, Christmas carols ? For that matter any festival connected with any religion of the world like Hanukkah, Pongal, Dussehra, Deepavali, Navroj, Thanksgiving  Halloween even national festivals like, Independence day, Veteran’s day etc lose significance once stripped of its tradition and background stories. Not only that, the day and month, the mode of celebration, the special foods to be prepared and served - all inheritance from the past only. The main objective behind all these is powerful bonding of community, sharing feeling of unity for beyond one’s expectation.

Ceremonies are conducted all around us, almost everyday. The lighting of Olympic torch, the opening ceremony of football game, singing of National Anthem, graduation ceremony, ceremonies of birth, marriage and death etc. Human beings have marked special moments through the use of ceremonies since the dawn of civilization. Ceremonies serve two purposes, to invite Divinity to be part of our life and at the same time to raise our consciousness up towards the realm of the divine. The ceremony is a bridge that connects us with sacred ideal way to celebrate.

Surname - Anywhere you go in the world today people have surnames inherited from their father or mother. The modern concept of surname is based on some very ancient ideas. According to historical records , Egyptians, Romans, Indians also use more than one name. Romans could also add names to signify certain accomplishments  occupation. This was prevalent in most of the ancient cultures. Some cultures add birth place also to the proper name to give a special identity. The advent of modern record keeping and taxation mandated that people have surnames to keep track of them.

Even after advanced computer technology and signature  it is the thumb print( used by people of olden days as they couldn’t read or write ) that carries the stamp of authenticity even today.

Now people are eager to find out their ancestral roots. Gene editing, mapping, Gene multiplication etc. Genetic engineering plays a prominent role- Why ? It’s nothing but curiosity and an eternal yearning for a sense of belonging to something greater, precious solid roots.

Every fiber of our life is imbued with the coloring of past. Even the brand names like Nike, Titan, Avatar, Mogul point to the sense of attaching to the past glory only. All the botanical and other scientific things whatever they may be called in different languages belong to a particular single family which internationally understood is in Latin only.

Olympic game- An ancient game of Greece is now a global stage that allows one opportunity to perform and show talent skill among the competitors. It is a worldwide celebrated event that takes place every 4 years , but usually in a different city. But the initial Olympic flame ( torch ) starting is from Greece only.

Today Hippocratic oath of Greek origin is taken by physicians. It is an oath of ethics new physicians take. It requires physicians to swear to uphold ethical standards in the highest while treating patients throughout the carrier. Charaka, Indian sage of Charak Samhita also stresses this kind of oath to be taken by the young physicians.

Symbol of Medicine- The Rod of Asclepius. The symbol of Medicine from ancient Greece is a symbol of health and medicine around the world to this day. The Rod of Asclepius is a rod or staff with an entwined serpent. Asclepius was a demigod son of Apollo, who developed such incredible powers of healing that his rod continues to be a famous symbol associated with health.

Symbol for Justice is from Greek and Roman mythology. Lady of Justice statue blindfolded( unbiased ) carrying scales in the left hand relating to fairness in the judicial process and sword in the right hand symbolizing the authority to make decisions. From time memorial justice has been conceptualized as a divinity linked to cosmic order.

The link between romantic love and red roses dates back to Greek mythology. The significance of red rose as a symbol, and its use as a messaging system in courtship and dating has endured for centuries as professing feelings publicly was not acceptable those days. But still they remain so central in modern celebrations such as Red Roses as a gift for Valentine’s day.

Aromatherapy again has its roots in ancient cultures. Incense sticks, Sandal wood , powder and fragrant flowers were used to create an atmosphere for peace and reduce stress.  Indian Ayurvedic texts are a rich source throwing light on how the paste and oils from flowers and leaves were used in treatment of various ailments. That is why scents are being used to treat dementia and depression. Now modern doctors are harnessing our sense of smell to reignite positive memories and reduce anxiety.

Plato, Chanakya and other classics like Ramayana, Paradise lost and others are perpetually modern. It is not surprising to find that writers, inventors and experimenters were/are often most sensitive to the voices of the past. To poets, writers, speakers, the past is not a relic but a marvelous inexhaustible source of inspiration.  To quote Plato:

' You cannot write, read or live fully in the present without knowing the literature of the past.'

Some argue that old is bad and irrelevant for the present and welcome the new as exciting. But in fact it is not so. We cannot say all old( past ) is gold and all new ( present ) is bad. The great poet Kalidasa in his famous play Malavikagnimitram in the context of poetry says: 

“ It is old doesn’t mean all good. And also if new means not all bad. Wisemen by using his discriminative power takes the best from both.”

If Kalidasa’s statement is in Sanskrit, Pope writes :

“ Regard not them if wit be old or new, but blame the false and value still the true.”

Progress and reform consists in conserving one’s nation’s ancient ideals and building upon them and adopting whatever good and noble in others and the modern . And the preservation of one’s culture and past doesn’t work against modern.

Past is rich in everything. In reality, it can be stated that the strength of modernity is derived from the past. In fact insight into the wisdom of past empowers today and tomorrow. Application of Bhagavad-Gita , Chanakyaniti ,stoic principles for effective and successful management and Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations is bible among the present corporate world.

The international Yoga day is celebrated every year on June 21st. Though meditation is traditionally associated with spiritual growth in Patanjali’s Yoga sutras, in recent years the emphasis is on the benefits of meditation and is often used as a relaxation technique and stress management.

The ancient cultures revered mother Earth, honored as the giver and sustainer of all life centuries before Mother’s day became popular.

Folklore is a cultural universal found everywhere in the world. The fact that materials of folklore often show remarkable similarities in different places at different times makes it interesting. Fairy tales, folk stories, mythology still fascinate all irrespective of age and culture. The tapestry of human civilization has been decorated with a vivid design of all these that have become part of our culture since antiquity, providing texture in the form of ethical education and direction through which to investigate timeless human values. Many myths shed light on the deep philosophical meaning behind age-old cultural practices. All heroic tales of all cultures with their action-packed mythological stories have inspired many comic books, stories, novels and movies. Spiderman,The Lord of the Rings, king Fu Panda, Harry Potter,  Star Wars have inspired generation after generation. Mythology is still alive and always will be. Since the earliest times, man has used symbols and myths to express his experiences of a reality that transcends the physical world, and to pass it on to future generations. Common universal element in all these are battle between Good and Evil and victory of Good over Evil. This always fascinates as the yearning to read and see the victory of good over the evil is ingrained in  the human psyche.

Even in modern day blogs on cooking, music, art, crafts there is fusion of modern and tradition that gives rise to extensive variety, novelty ,,sweetness and richness of its own . The field of classical music is still ruled by Beethovan, Mozart, Handel, Brahms, Saint Thyagaraja and others. All the world music are based on the same octaves. Still the ancient, medieval paintings hold sway. And stage or theatre means still it is the plays of Shakespeare setting the standard and glamour in that field.

Following  the Moon-calender in plant gardening is another gift from the past only. Gardening according to to the phase of the Moon is a centuries old practice, practiced by the ancient cultures all over the world. As with Sea, our bodies, a plant’s water content is affected by the pull of the moon. The waxing Moon period ( from New moon to Full moon) stimulates the growth in plants. In Darjling CTC India’s rare Tea picked under a full moon before dawn as according to planters, is the right occasion to produce high quality brew in terms of flavor and fragrance and nutrients. After Sunset, evaporation stops on the surface of the tea leaves. Besides  tea leaves are believed to gather large amount of vital nutrients from the soil during the full moon. Skilled workers pluck leaves under full moon light to harvest the best of flavor and aroma. It is celebration , song  dance  work all rolled into one ritual for the workers of Tea Garden.Now research says that plants convey their feelings , never hesitate to tell you when they’re in trouble. Symptoms include yellow, wilted leaves, colorless,, shriveled, brown, spotted leaves, dry and shriveled broken roots. By giving out smell also they indicate their stress. When the grass is cut, the peculiar smell emerges is their distress call. Our forefathers knew all these by their keen observation and intuition and knew very well that plants have life and feelings. Before plucking leaves or flowers  cutting the plants they would pray to the plants to pardon them for the injury inflicted on them. They worshiped plants and trees as their life givers.

So many books and monuments are there. Archeological and Research studies serve to show the modern man that those original thoughts of his today are not very new at all. Truly said,

“ All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients.”- R. W. Emerson

   Body Arts for ageless charm like Tattoing, wearing ornaments, facials, painting finger nails, 

Lipstick , applying eyeliner on eyelashes, all are handed down from the past only. They all were backed by some reasons. To illustrate one example, Lipstick as a beauty aid is also of ancient origin. Not only  red tinge added beauty to the lips making a woman attractive. It has a beautiful basis behind it. It was believed that life and all eternity were ruled by the cycle of the Sun, which was thought to move in a circle. people did things clockwise ( east to west) the way Sun moves to honor the Sun.

It was believed that evil spirits could not enter a circle, since the circle represented the Sun and the Sun was all powerful. The mouth was thought of an entrance to the body, and a red circle is drawn around the mouth kept the soul inside and the devil outside.

The custom of ear piercing and the belief that goes with it namely it will correct impaired vision, cures ear troubles hark back to earlier times in most of the cultures. The ear was believed to be the seat of intelligence by the ancients. The earring was an amulet and was worn to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. Even pirates also wore earrings as they believed that it improved their eyesight.

Ornaments might be of stones or beads, ivory but were worn by women and men at accupressure points of the body. the same is carried on today except with mettalic jewellery, gems, pearls.

The homemakers who have passed on by word of mouth, the various traditions of food preparing, beauty tips,creative arts ,habits, and cultural observances that have kept all communities in the world vibrantly active.

Most of the games like Chess,Ludo, playing cards, Tic-Tac-Toe, Marbles are from different cultures. Anagrams and other word-plays amused the ancient Greeks, Romans and Indians.

Attraction of tourism for exploring history and culture and aesthetic experience of Nature as a respite from daily  routine has its origin in pilgrimage as a religious one in various cultures, compulsory to have the same goal but for bringing people as a step towards to realize divinity in Nature and in themselves. In ancient times, travel was not easy so made it necessary to undertake pilgrimage once a year at least to sacred spots at different places on the earth to make people appreciate Nature, to socialize with other people, understand other cultures, taking time to enjoy themselves as a change from daily routine. So there is

nothing new , nothing but the same combination or some variation of the old in new form. To quote Henry Ford:

" I  invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work. Had I worked fifty or ten or even five years before, I would  have failed. So it is with everything. Progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready and then it is inevitable."

what a true statement ! Innovation relies on the combined harvest of old knowledge and new thinking.

It is interesting to note so many facts and beliefs pertaining to so many habits and customs in the history of man’s social evolution, many are retained in some form or other.

Scattering of rice on festive occasions especially marriage in all cultures is followed even today, rice symbolizing the fertility and prosperity. Those days rice was the chief grain.

Flipping coin is ancient way of deciding a point. Even now it is followed in many cases like games.

In ancient times beard was a sign of wisdom. Then the practice of shaving began in ancient times as a defense against enemies grabbing and pulling soldiers by their beards during battle. Now shaving for cleanliness, hygiene and fashion.

Not only in the past even now , standard units of measurement have been inspired by human body parts like from elbow up to finger. Even now dimension of a room is estimated in counting steps. In spite of standardization, measuring cups, balance etc in cooking, the terms like a pinch of salt, a pinch of cinnamon are used. Again a handful of beans etc. The body based units of measurement is in every culture. And this is more convenient and practical and ready to work without depending upon the external instruments. Theories emerge from practical knowledge. With all generations tools cannot replace human thinking. Even in cooking and testing food whether good or bad, the touch by the fingers, color perceived by the eyes, smell by the nose, sound by the ears , taste by the tongue play the role of judges.

Every generation enjoys the use of vast treasures bequeathed to it by antiquity and transmit that hoard augmented by fresh acquisitions, to future generations. The end of science is not to prove a theory but to improve mankind.

See any video, reel, podcast, vodcast, there is a craze to delve into the past. Culture and technology are the strong pillars of a nation. Culture is the fountain of inexhaustible inner strength to the nation and the unbreakable inner emotional bond among the people. The arts and crafts of the past that were once little known to young generations has now begun to mesmerize a growing number of young viewers. Thanks to the social media platform like Instagram, Facebook , intangible cultural heritage shares short videos of their creations on social media platforms. The social media platforms have made the entire globe a village. Efforts like this have prompted young people to learn more about their national culture and of others and in return encourage more innovations and many sites offer to purchase their skills, thus promoting further.

Human being is so curious to know about the past one cannot miss to spot even in daily newspaper a column( a small para ) on the important event or incident on that day long back under the heading ‘ From the Archives, ‘ on this day one hundred seventy years ago………’

There’s a column in every daily newspaper devoted to the significant event happened on the same day centuries back to draw the readers to past to arouse and satisfy their curiosity.

There’s a craze for vintage recipes. While religious devotion remains the same, traditional sweets have been reinvented on modern delicious pattern to delight the modern palate, with kitchen transformed into a lively hub of fresh ideas.

Curiosity, learning and innovation are the basic traits of human beings. In this advanced digital age, people realize the value of knowledge from every corner of the world, appreciate and want to know about the past to improve the present. Early fossils and artifacts remains offer the clues about the culture  life  society of the past. Even now people collect old coins, stamps, books and vintage articles as a hobby. They fetch high monetary value. Auctions are held. Old articles have historical significance  rarity makes them unique and of artistic and cultural value, highly prized by the collectors and institutions demand. A proud possession exhibited in museums and art galleries . Humans by nature are mental time travellers. We don’t just live in the present we reminisce about our past and plan for future..Hearing old music once you heard or dancing ,tasting a dish taking you back to Grandma’s or mama’s, looking at old photos, albums, vintage collectible-such a sort of sweet reminiscence is so universal. Modern Neuroscientists and psychologists assert that such a longing for the past and cherished memories of healthy dosage of nostalgia is good, could be a protective mechanism, a source of comfort and make our lives meaningful.

Yearning for secrets of Blue Zones , is nothing but the age-old tradition of spending a relaxed life as a balance between work and rest and depending on the food products available from Nature , and cherishing every moment of life.

What’s surprising is that people are going back to old times.

There is so much buzz around loads of proteins to your diet !  Research shows that getting enough proteins can help your immune system strong, healthy, and boosts longevity. Daily food in good olden days took care of all these needs in a regulated manner.

“ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” said Hippocrates long long ago.

Eating habits, principles of nutrition, family meal as a sacred institution are recognized and adopted by modern men.

All ancient texts recommend walking. It is said that monks by eating seven to eight cloves could climb and walk long distances on the hills without feeling tired.The body is born to move, and moving can help keep our blood circulation optimized, the joints lubricated, and our breathing and digestive system well. This is what modern science also dictates.

Turmeric Latte, ginger tea are on the go now. Turmeric, ginger, garlic,clove, cinnamon, black pepper, honey and others with a long history of use in traditional medicine, a staple spices in Asian recipes are currently popular in the health and wellness segment. All herbs , recognized as power house of nutrients occupy a prominent place in all types of recipes.

Now there is upswing in going back to old remedies for common ailments. When it comes to healthy recipes and home remedies, grandma knows best.

Now the ancient wisdom of natural remedies like Henna, Tea leaves, Aloevera for hair growth, peels of orange, banana, rose petals,sandal powder, milk, flours, butter , lemon juice and other similar things for facial and body care are all making a strong come back which have been corner stone of holistic hair, body routine for centuries in all cultures. By embracing the age-old secrets , we not only honor  our roots but realize that the most effective solutions to healthy living lie in the lap of nature all around. 

In the words of Albert Einstein :-

“ I know not with what weapons world war third

will be fought, but sure world war fourth  will be fought with sticks and stones .”

It is interesting to note what the founder-father of Dubai said about his city’s future :-

“ My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will drive a camel.”

Rediscovering ancient wisdom gives a chance to learn something new. Modern scholars are exploring the materials of durability left behind in legacy of town planning, architecture and sculptures as a possible solution for the present day problems. DNA and artifacts to unravel medical mysteries. Taking a cue from the past, proponents of natural living have been exploring opportunities untapped, unthinkable to a modern mind, luminescent bulbs without electricity  biofuels, solar power, wind energy for home and industrial use as eco-friendly.

Traditional cultures and their lifestyles were responsible for the conservation of rich biodiversity in their environment. So much to learn from them ! Past is like roots and we are shoots from it. We will realize from the study of past civilizations of the countries of the world we are the leaves of one and the same branch, the drops of one ocean, the flowers of one and the same garden.

Rediscovering is delightful to transport one’s self into the spirit of the past to see how a wisemen thought before us and how he achieved marvelous skill seen and admired today and especially in the cultural and spiritual spheres. Now Archaeological evidences, literary sources such as Libraries with books, manuscripts and internet, digital Libraries providing reading material and online catalogues providing access to research papers and articles from all over world  and with the advancement of AI many new avenues can open up in historical research of the past. Learning new  things is always exciting for the brain. In this informative age, the more you know, you can learn and contribute more to humanity. In this kaleidoscopic world, every age has something to contribute  to teach and to enrich our knowledge and wisdom and pass on the treasure to posterity to cherish and develop further as we had the same opportunity to benefit from and enjoy the same.

After so many years into exploring the wonders of ancient wisdom of different cultures, I decided to write a small monograph sharing my views with a bigger audience, to be specific, young generation with the motto behind this would be to bring in young minds closer to the past tradition, understand, and appreciate the best in them.

Here in this monograph I would like to touch upon mainly the wisdom in Hinduism, as depicted in the works of Sanskrit, one of the ancient language though other cultures have been touched upon here and there. Sanskrit, the very mention of it brings forth the images of Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga, Ayurveda, now Panini's grammar as fitting tool for AI. The vast Indian Culture's influence is seen in other countries too.

I try to give a short glimpse of it to show how rich our tradition is. I cannot touch upon all and on everything , as I'm myself still a student exploring for the same. I'm happy to share whatever I know, though a little and would feel grateful if it conveys something of my feelings to you. Hope you enjoy reading the same as I enjoyed putting my thoughts to words.

Thank you,

Lalita Kuppuswamy

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